An end to anti-ageing cosmetic surgery?
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Demi Moore, famous for having spent nearly $500,000 on cosmetic surgery to help turn back the clock, has revealed an unusual way to detoxify herself leeches.
In an interview with US talk show host David Letterman, the 46-year old actress explained that she is a fan of ‘leech therapy’ and has recently visited Austria for a session.
“I was in Austria doing a cleanse and part of the therapy was leech therapy,” she said. “There aren’t just swamp leeches though we are talking about highly trained medical leeches. Theses are not some low level scavengers; we are talking high level blood suckers.”
Leech therapy is no means a new idea ancient Egyptians are said to have used leeches to help cure myriads of ailments. Leeches are also gaining more acceptance in modern medicine and are used in some cosmetic, plastic and reconstructive surgeries to help assist with the reattachment of parts of the body.
“They have a little enzyme that, when they are biting down in you, it gets released into your blood. And generally, you bleed for quite a bit and your health is optimized,” Moore continued. “It detoxifies your blood. I’m feeling very detoxified right now.
“I did it in some woman’s house lying on her bed we did a little sampler first which is in the belly button. It crawls in and you feel it bite down and you want to go ‘you bastard!’ Then you relax and work on your Lemaze breathing just to kind of relax.
“You watch it swell up on your blood, watching it get fatter and fatter, then when it is super-drunk on your blood, it just kind of rolls over like it is stumbling out of a bar.
“You first feel worse, then you feel better. But I am going back! I only got four leeches so I feel a bit cheated.”