Diaz says no to cosmetic surgery
Smart Lipo
Cosmetic surgery reality TV is coming to a screen near you soon – British television producer Ricochet is looking to make reality show where disfigured patients seek cosmetic surgery. The producer has reportedly already approached several cosmetic surgeons and charities for support in finding suitable patients.
“We are looking for members of the public whose lives are affected by poor self-image to the extent, for example, that they are afraid to leave their homes,” a spokesman for Ricochet said.
However, some cosmetic surgeons have already expressed their dismay at the programme saying that programmes such as this are portaying that surgery can be the solution to many of the problems faced by these patients, when in reality, issues are normally a lot more complex.
The show comes hot on the heels of Endemol entertainment’s show which revolved around a teminally ill patient deciding who to donate her kidneys to after she died. The show was in fact a big practical joke that was meant to highlight the lack of organ donors in the Netherlands.
Whether the cosmetic surgery reality show gets the go-ahead, only time will tell.