Men have a longer recovery time than women
Jobless turning to cosmetic surgery
Despite fears over a global credit crunch, Brits are still keen on cosmetic surgery with the number of cosmetic procedures up by a third in the last year.
Worries over the state of the economy hasn’t deterred many Brits from plastic surgery with recent research showing that there has been an increased demand of 35 percent for cosmetic procedures.
The increased demand since 2007 is across the board according to the Harley Medical Group, although tummy tucks (abdomnoplasty) have seen the largest increase in demand, up 59 percent. Botox is also increasing in popularity, up 51 percent, breast surgery is up 40 percent, and liposuction up nine percent.
Surgeons have said that they have seen new cosmetic trends emerge, particularly with liposuction. Traditionally, liposuction has been mainly used for the tummy, bottom and thighs. But now, it is also commonly used to reduce bingo wings (fat under the upper arms), muffin tops and bra bulges. Thigh boxing (where the inner thighs rub together) and knee saddles (fat deposits above the knees) are also being targeted.